Let’s Make Christmas Decorating Fun
Family Christmas Decorating Fun

When you make Christmas decorating fun for the entire family, you will be building relationships and creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Christmas is such a festive time of year and we all like to see the wonderful decorations that seem to pop up everywhere.
Getting your Christmas decorations into place and having fun while you do it is not an impossible task, it just takes a little planning.
Below are a few tips to help inspire your Christmas decorating helpers.
Christmas Tree Decorating Fun

When trying to make Christmas tree decorating fun for the whole family, try to take into consideration everyone’s abilities. For the younger kids, you’ll want to have decorations that they can easily handle without breaking them.
Tinsel was always a blast to put on the tree as a kid. Give children small handfuls of it and let them toss, drizzle or fling it at the tree to their little heart’s content.
If you get a live Christmas tree every year, turn that tree hunt into an event all of its own. Get everyone’s opinion on what type of tree they think will look best, show them pictures of the different species; Spruce, Scotch Pine, Douglas Fir, etc.
If you use an artificial Christmas tree, change up your choice of ornaments to put on it. Making personalized ornaments can add a special feel to any Christmas tree.
Christmas Home Decorating Fun

The fun part of Christmas home decorating starts with planning your activities for all involved. Consider the strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes of all your “helpers”. Allow them to use their own creative inspirations to come up with new ideas.
Don’t get hung up on requiring your decorations to meet a certain standard.
Allowing everyone to add their own personal touch will make the decorating process more fun. Make the whole event a family gathering, including good food and laughter to brighten everyone’s spirit.
Changing things around can add a bit of unexpected fun to the holidays. Try using different Christmas decorations this year than you used last year.
If you like to decorate in a traditional fashion, mix things up by making homemade decorations or decorating in different areas of your house. You could try using outdoor icicle lights along an indoor railing or over a doorway.
Watch Christmas Decorating Fun Video
Outdoor Christmas Decorating Fun

Involve your husband or wife, as well as the kids in your outdoor Christmas decorating activities. Getting the whole family involved allows them to express their ideas and get creative right along with you.
They may even come up with a few new ideas that you’d have never thought of without them. Working together on festive projects can help build family bonds that will last forever.
For a big project like decorating the yard or outdoor areas, you may want to enlist the help of both friends and family to come up with outside Christmas decorating ideas. You could make it a Christmas decorating party and have everyone bring one small ornament or decoration to place outdoors.
Have a snowman building contest in your front yard (if you have snow); place your other decorations around them to accent the whole scene.
You will benefit from all of the shared ideas everyone will bring to the party.

Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time of year, getting prepared for it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. By making the decorating process fun, from choosing the tree to trimming the house and yard, you will be extending the joy of the season.
So, take a little time to do some planning and create extraordinary memories for both you and your family this year.
By following a few of the ideas above, you can make Christmas decorating fun for all involved.